Why Modular Steam Boilers Are the Future

modular steam boilers are the future

For a long time, large fire tube boilers were virtually the only choice when it came to industrial boilers. But times are changing. Thanks to the innovations of companies like Miura, modular water tube boilers are becoming a viable option for companies of all sizes in a wide variety of industries. The technology of modular steam boilers has become so sophisticated and advanced that they are starting to make traditional fire tube boilers obsolete. Here are a few reasons why modular steam boilers are the future of steam.

Smaller Size

As technologies develop, our products tend to get smaller, and boilers are no different. Water tube boilers can have roughly half the footprint of a traditional boiler. They also don’t require tube-pull or door-swing space, which helps to create a lot more space inside a boiler room or steam plant, making it easier for anyone working there. For new facilities, having smaller, modular boilers means less space has to be dedicated to the boiler room, which can be a money saver. With the extra room, it’s also easier to add an extra boiler or two later on if the needs of a facility change.

Lower Emissions

It’s more important than ever for companies to be aware of their emission levels so they can be as environmentally friendly as possible. This is one area where modular boilers have a huge advantage over conventional boilers. For instance, Miura’s LX series of boilers have been designed in a way that dramatically lowers the emissions of harmful substances like NOx. With companies these days often times subject to strict emissions standards, using a modular water tube boiler is a great way to keep emissions low. Even if complying with regulations isn’t an issue, modular boilers are simply better for the earth.


Traditional fire tube boilers use up an awful lot of fuel and money. They take so long to get started that they often have to run idle when not in use, which is wasteful and costly. This isn’t an issue with smaller, modular boilers, as they can start producing steam within minutes, even from a cold startup. When a boiler isn’t needed, it can be turned off completely, which means it won’t be consuming any fuel during this time. Considering how precious, not to mention expensive, fuel is nowadays, this is a huge benefit of modular boilers compared to conventional boilers.


Modular boilers offer flexibility in a number of ways that aren’t possible with older boilers. As mentioned, the ability to start producing steam within five minutes from a cold start makes it easier for modular boilers to handle fluctuating steam needs. Also, with the smaller size of the boilers, it’s easier to have multiple boilers working in conjunction with one another rather than one or two large boilers. Having several boilers on one system makes it easier to turn on boilers when steam needs rise and then turn off those extra boilers when needs drop. Most modular boilers are also flexible with regard to what type of fuel they use. Many of the newer boilers can run on multiple types of fuel and can switch from one fuel to another rather seamlessly, helping to save even more on fuel costs.


Safety can never be overlooked when it comes to industrial boilers, and modular water tube boilers are undeniably safer than fire tube boilers. Water tube boilers use roughly 10% of the water in fire tube boilers, which makes them inherently safer. Typically, if there’s a problem with a modular boiler, it’s confined to one of the tubes, meaning the boiler isn’t at risk for a massive explosion, which is rare but possible with conventional boilers. Also, companies like Miura that manufacture modular boilers utilize remote monitoring systems that can detect problems so they can be corrected before any harm is done.

Contact Miura today to learn more about modular steam boilers.

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