Hospital Steam Boiler Solutions

As the world leader in ultra-low NOx modular on-demand steam solutions, Miura modular boilers are reliable, safe, and highly adaptive to the fluctuating steam demands of hospitals and other medical facilities.

How are steam boilers used in medical facilities? From maintaining humidity levels to powering an autoclave sterilizer, a reliable, safe and energy-efficient steam boiler is a necessary and integral part of any hospital operation. Capable of operating under fluctuating load demands, Miura industrial boilers offer space-savings incentives that will transform and improve the layout of your new or existing boiler room and will keep your steam going in the event of an occurring boiler issue.

Hospital Boiler Success Stories

In the process of choosing a hospital steam boiler? Over the years, Miura has helped numerous healthcare facilities streamline their operations with our highly efficient hospital steam solutions. Browse our success stories below for a look at how Miura steam boilers have played a role in supporting these facilities.

Bryce State Hospital

Bryce State Hospital Boilers

When Bryce State Hospital in Tuscaloosa, AL decommissioned its central steam plant in response to a statewide mandate to improve energy efficiency in public buildings, they opted to choose a Miura steam system. As a result, not only has the facility greatly reduced its energy output, but the hospital reports cutting its natural gas costs by nearly half in the process. READ MORE


Manchester Memorial Hospital

Machester Memorial Hospital Boilers

Manchester Memorial Hospital chose Miura Boilers as part of an overhaul to comply with new codes and laws, as well as to implement greener technologies. The result has been a significant reduction in the hospital’s energy output, as well as the procuring of $1.2 million in financial incentives for the facility. READ MORE


Intermountain Healthcare

Orthopedic Speciality Hospital Case Study

Already established as a leading facility nationwide in sports medicine, athletic training and physical therapy, Intermountain's TOSH facility recently became a leader in energy efficiency and reduced carbon footprint when it replaced its two 500-HP fire-tube boilers with three 100-HP Miura LX Series boilers. READ MORE


Southeastern Health

Southeastern Health Case Study

With the assistance of Boiler Masters Inc., Southeastern Health installed four EX-200 SGO Gas/Oil Series High Pressure Steam Boilers in their energy plant and a single 100HP unit in an off-site laundry facility. READ MORE


UnityPoint Health - Meriter

Unity Point Meriter Health Case Study

UnityPoint Health - Meriter replaced their three conventional boilers with five Miura EX-300 SGO Gas/Oil Series High Pressure Steam Boilers. The end result: More reliable steam production for numerous hospital applications with significantly reduced fuel consumption and emissions. READ MORE

Further Reading About Hospital Boilers

Contact us today to learn more about how Miura products and solutions can innovate the day-to-day operations of your medical facility.