Brewery & Distillery Steam Solutions

A steam boiler is one of the most critical investments that owners of breweries and distilleries must consider for their business. As the world leader in ultra-low NOx modular on-demand industrial boiler solutions, Miura makes this decision easy with cost-effective and energy saving installations that are reliable, safe, and efficient.

Unlike conventional fire tube boilers that you might find running non-stop at a large-scale, 24-hour brewing operation, Miura's modular boilers take up less space and can be quickly turned on and off with ease to conserve energy outside of brew shifts. These outstanding qualities have solidified Miura steam boilers as the obvious choice for meeting the unique production needs of breweries and distillery operations of various sizes throughout the country. Whether you're opening a new brewery, seeking to streamline a current operation, or fostering a new and exciting expansion, Miura can help you design a brewery boiler room that makes sense your business.

What are steam boilers used for in breweries and distilleries? A reliable steam boiler is a necessary component of any brewery or distillery. In addition to providing hot water for wort boiling, steam is also required for sanitization, sterilization, and pasteurization during the kegging, bottling, or canning process.

Brewery & Distillery Boiler Success Stories

Over the years, we've helped numerous breweries keep the beer flowing with our safe and highly efficient steam solutions. Read the detailed case studies below for a look at how Miura boilers have played a role in the production of some of America's favorite craft brews:

Yee-Haw Brewing Company

Yeehaw Brewing Co Case Study
Yee-Haw Brewing Company Brewmaster Cris Ellenbecker credits the company's success to making a lot of right decisions at the very beginning — including choosing a Miura LX-200 Boiler to provide steam for company operations. READ MORE

Gambrinus Company Breweries

Gambrinus Brewing Case Study
More craft breweries are discovering that the quick-firing modular design of Miura boilers offer a great fit for their unique needs. This includes Gambrinus Company Breweries, who now have Miura boilers installed in several of their breweries, including Bridgeport Brewery in Portland, OR; Trumer Braurei in Berkeley, CA; and Spoetzl Brewery in Shiner, TX. READ MORE

Highland Brewing Company

Brewing Company Boilers
Highland Brewing Company' choice of the Miura gas-fired LX-100 has proven to be pivotal in their goals; since installing it, Highland reports that they’ve been able to increase output by 20 percent while actually reducing their energy costs by $1200/month. READ MORE

Captain Lawrence Brewing Company

Captain Lawrence Case Study
Miura boilers are a valuable asset for businesses in the craft brewing industry, currently the fastest-growing sector in U.S. beer production. Perhaps that’s why Scott Vaccaro, owner of Captain Lawrence Brewing Company in Elmsford, NY, heard Miura’s name more often than any other when asking fellow craft brewers about which boiler they chose. READ MORE

Further Reading About Brewery & Distillery Boilers

Contact us today to learn more about how our products and solutions can improve your bottom line.