Laundry Industry Case Studies

Laundry Industry Case Studies

Distinguished for their reliability, efficiency, and safety, Miura's low NOx, modular boiler systems are expertly designed to handle the fluctuating steam demands of laundry facilities.

Why are steam boilers important to laundry service companies? A reliable and energy efficient steam boiler is a necessary component of any large-scale laundry service company. Steam boilers are used to heat not only wash water, but also to provide steam for irons and presses.

Case studies

Read the detailed case study below for a look at how Miura industrial boilers have played a valuable role in streamlining the process steam operations for companies specializing in laundry services.

Up To Date Laundry

"Miura boilers provide a tremendous amount of efficiency. For such a small boiler to put out such a large volume of steam so rapidly, on-demand, is incredible. During a break or if there is a rapid falloff, the boilers take care of themselves. They will either shut down or go to low fire on a standby system. I don’t have to have someone here all night watching them on low fire. With a simple push of a button they are off, and with another simple push of a button they are on again. Just with fuel savings and manpower savings alone we shave several hours off each day.”
— Ken Weiman, Chief Engineer


Contact us today to learn more about how Miura products and solutions can innovate the bottom line of your laundry business.