FAQ: Is a Rental Boiler Right for Me? Should I Buy or Rent a Boiler?

Rental Boilers

Do not waste time and valuable resources on a rental boiler.

If you’re thinking about renting a steam boiler as a temporary replacement, take time to consider all of your options first.

Rental Boilers may promise quick delivery, opting for a temporary steam boiler until you can find a suitable permanent one is a costly prospect. And the fact is, steam boiler rentals are not a permanent solution to keep producing steam for the long term. Fortunately, there’s a much better way to handle this situation — Miura’s Quick Ship Xpress (QSX).

Get fast delivery of a new industrial boiler with Miura’s Quick Ship Xpress

Miura knows how important uptime is to your business. Losing a boiler, even for a short period of time, can hurt your bottom line. To get your processes back running as soon as possible, you need steam, and you need it quickly! That’s why Miura developed their Quick Ship Xpress program. When you order with Quick Ship Xpress, you get a new boiler delivered in as little as just 24 to 48 hours. That’s hard to beat!

Eliminate setup and breakdown of a temporary boiler

Why go through the hassle of setting up temporary rental boilers, and then breaking down a temporary boiler to make room for a permanent one? With QSX, you get a brand new, permanent boiler solution you can rely on for years to come. And because it ships to you within 24 to 48 hours, you don’t even need a rented boiler.

Don’t waste money on a rental boiler

Buying a Miura boiler with Quick Ship Xpress instead of renting a boiler could end up saving your business up to $20,000 a month. Just imagine how saving that much money could impact your bottom line. Don’t throw your money out the window by renting a temporary boiler – order a reliable, efficient, and safe steam boiler through Miura’s Quick Ship Xpress program today!

Learn more about Quick Ship Xpress

If you’d like to learn more about Quick Ship Xpress or Miura boilers, contact Miura today!

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