FAQ: Why Choose Miura's Quick Ship Xpress Over a Rental Boiler?

We’re often asked what makes Miura’s Quick Ship Xpress (QSX) program superior to the traditional rental boilers, and the short answer is that it saves your business serious money in the long-term — up to $20,000/month!

Rental Boiler

Traditional rental boilers fail customers

Uptime is critical in any industrial setting, which is why losing a boiler can throw a major wrench in your day-to-day operations and ultimately harm your bottom line. The general solution to this dilemma is to acquire a temporary rental boiler to serve as a stop-gap measure until you purchase a permanent boiler solution down the line.
Unfortunately, this system is flawed and inefficient. Instead of paying the price of two different boilers (a temporary rental boiler and a permanent boiler), it may make more sense for you to expedite your long-term boiler solution through Miura’s Quick Ship Xpress program.

Here’s how Miura’s Quick Ship Xpress program works better than Rental Boilers

Instead of going through the hassle of securing a rental boiler on top of making plans to purchase your permanent replacement boiler, you skip straight to the permanent solution. Quick Ship Xpress streamlines the process by providing you with a permanent boiler system within 24 to 48 hours — the same amount of time it takes for a rental boiler to arrive.

By going with Quick Ship Xpress, you effectively cut the middle man (i.e., the costly rental boiler) out of the equation so that you’re only spending money on acquiring the actual replacement boiler. In addition to saving money, you also save time and labor because you don’t have to worry about setting up a rental boiler and the breaking it down later to make room for the permanent one.

To learn more about how Quick Ship Xpress can streamline your boiler replacement process, contact Miura today.

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