FAQ: How Are Boilers Tested For Safety?

More than anything else, safety is the most important aspect of any boiler. It’s even more important than efficiency and being environmentally friendly. Thus, it’s important to understand the testing that boilers are put through to guarantee that they will run safely for the duration of their lifecycle.

The first line of defense is the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). The ASME has a Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) that sets the standard for how boilers and other types of pressure vessels need to be designed and constructed. The BPVC is written and upheld by those who have technical knowledge of boilers. When boilers are manufactured, there is a series of tests and certifications that it must pass before the ASME can ensure that it meets the appropriate level of safety.

The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) also has a set of regulations that help to ensure safety inside boiler rooms and steam plants. OSHA has different regulations for boiler rooms depending on the industry. This recognizes the fact that there different industries have different types of risks and potential dangers inside a boiler room. OSHA also investigates any accidents that occur in a boiler room to better understand the safety hazards of working with boilers and how safety regulations could be improved.

It’s also important not to overlook self-monitoring. For instance, all boilers manufactured by Miura come with an online monitoring system that allows Miura representatives to access real-time data about any of the company’s boilers. This is essentially non-stop safety testing because it can alert Miura’s representatives and those working with the boiler on site if there are any potential problems with the boiler. Having the system in place makes it easy to troubleshoot minor issues before they can become huge problems.

Finally, regular maintenance is a great way to test the safety of a boiler. Even with a monitoring system in place, it’s essential that boilers receive safety inspections on a regular basis. Companies like Miura are often willing to perform inspections and give training to people working with the boiler on site so that they can perform safety inspections and recognize if there’s a potential problem with the boiler that needs to be addressed.

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