FAQ: What Can Steam Power Be Used For in an Industrial Setting?

There are a variety of industries that rely on steam power. Most people can usually think of one or two purposes for steam. However, there are actually quite a few ways that steam power can be useful in an industrial setting.


The most common use for steam is process heating. In many instances, steam can be directly injected into an area that needs heating. This can be accomplished with a simple boiler system that is typically reliable and can keep a particular area and anyone in that area warm.


Steam has long been used as a way to sterilize important devices and tools, especially in the medical, pharmaceutical, and food industries. Those industries need to pay close attention to the cleanliness of its materials. The high temperatures of steam make it effective for wiping out harmful pathogens that may take up residence on items that need to be sterilized. Steam is also inexpensive to make and can perform the task of sterilization relatively quickly, making it an important part of several industries that need to sterilize devices on a regular basis.


Only those who are professional cleaners tend to recognize how useful steam can be when it comes to cleaning. Steam isn’t typically used for domestic cleaning, but it can be quite valuable in an industrial setting. For starters, it’s an environmentally-friendly way to clean, as no cleaning chemicals are necessary. It’s also an efficient way to sanitize and disinfect just about any surface. Any kind of upholstery, carpet, floor, metal fixtures, glass items, or common appliances can be cleaned with steam, including those with a lot of cracks and crevices that can be difficult to clean thoroughly using traditional cleaning methods.


In addition to cleaning, steam is also quite useful when it comes to drying objects. Hot air is often used to remove moisture from an item quickly, so it’s only natural that steam is used to accomplish this, as it’s cheap to produce and easy to use. Laundry and food manufacturing is one industry in which steam is commonly used for drying products.


Most HVAC systems need to retain a certain level of humidity, something that can be achieved with the help of steam. This is most common in hospitals and other industries that are focused on human health. If the humidity is too high or too lower, it can have a negative impact on a person’s health. The same is also true for certain types of materials and machines, depending on the industry. Steam is generally considered to be one of the best ways to ensure a safe level of humidity. Contact Us