FAQ: What Are the Most Common Boiler Fuel Types?

When it comes to boilers, various models are often distinguished by what type of fuel is used to power them. It’s always important to note the kind of fuel a boiler needs because it can often make an essential difference in your operating costs. It can also make a difference in your environmental impact, so it’s important to be familiar with all of the various types of boiler fuel.

Coal, for instance, is a common boiler fuel. It can even be distinguished further between lumps of coal and crushed coal, with the latter kind burning more efficiently in most cases. Of course, we know that coal isn’t always the cleanest of fuels, although it has its advantages at times and remains a common source of energy for boilers.

There are also a large number of boilers that run on gas and oil. Of course, within this group of boilers, there are distinctions among fuel types. Natural gas, for instance, contains a mixture of several substances, including methane, propane, and butane. Meanwhile, oil-fuel boilers may require diesel, gasoline, or other types of petroleum-based fuels.

Finally, some boilers forsake the more traditional types of fuel altogether in favor of biomass. These are less common fuel types applied by environmentally progressive companies that utilize items like wood chips, corn husks, and various plant materials that surprisingly can be used to fuel boilers.

When it comes to selecting a boiler based on the fuel it uses, it’s best to find a boiler that can operate on more than one type of fuel. For instance, Miura’s LX models can run on either natural gas or propane, which is part of what makes them one of the top eco-friendly boilers available. Meanwhile, Miura’s EX series of boilers can run on natural gas, propane, of #2 fuel oil, giving you several fuel options.

One of the top benefits of a boiler that can run on multiple types of fuel is that it can help you to make adjustments to changing fuel costs. Prices can fluctuate so much that it’s sometimes difficult to commit to one type of fuel all the time. When it comes to fuel for your boiler, it’s always best to have options.

Contact Miura today to learn more about our LX and EX boiler models.Contact Us