FAQ: How Much Money Have Companies Saved With Miura?

There are a number of reasons why organizations choose Miura’s modular water tube boilers over conventional fire tube boilers. For starters, they are safer than traditional boilers. They are also more environmentally friendly because of how well they reduce emissions of harmful substances like NOx. However, the biggest reason companies prefer Miura boilers is the way they can help them reduce operating costs. Here are just a few examples of how Miura’s boilers have helped an organization save money.

University of Arkansas

Colleges usually have huge fluctuations in steam needs, and the 350-acre University of Arkansas campus is no exception. To help meet their needs, the university installed six of Miura’s LX boilers in its steam plant. The on-demand nature of Miura boilers helps the university to meet high steam demands in the morning without wasting fuel and money when needs drop over the course of the day. Since installing their six Miura boilers, the University of Arkansas has saved approximately $280,000, a number that figures only to go up.

Titan Frozen Food

Striving to remain a leader in the frozen fruit industry, Titan Frozen Food chose three LX-100 Miura boilers for their new facility. It turns out the low-water content and low emission rates of Miura boilers were perfect for the strict regulations Titan was under in the state of California. On top of that, the company’s energy bills have been cut by more than half from the $42,000 they used to pay every month, allowing Titan Frozen Food to put those savings to good use.

“We predict to have our equipment paid off in five years,” says VP of Operations Eric Duyck. “The money we save on energy and utility costs will help us reach this goal sooner.”

Highland Brewing Company

Highland Brewing Company is the largest brewer in North Carolina, producing more than 25,000 barrels per year. When they expanded operations, they did so with the help of a new Miura boiler, in large part because they could turn it on and off as needed, rather than needing to keep their old boiler on all the time to reach peak output levels when they needed it to. The result has been a 20 percent increase in production levels and roughly $1,200 savings in fuel costs every month.

“We have saved on our gas bill dramatically with our Miura boiler,” says Highland Director of Operations Kevin Wheeler. “In the year and a half since we’ve had it installed it has probably already paid for itself in energy savings.”

To find out more about our boilers, please contact your local Miura representative. Contact Us