FAQ: What Does the BL Micro Controller Do?

Miura boilers come with a variety of accessories and systems in place to improve either the safety or efficiency of the boiler. A great example of this is the BL Micro Controller, which plays an important role in making sure your boiler system meets steam demands in the most efficient way possible.

The BL Micro Controller is essentially the central monitoring device of your boiler system. It’s a built-in microprocessor interface that tracks information about the performance of all of your Miura boiler. Metrics like steam pressure, feed water temperature, flame current, water conductivity and more will be measured so that the BL Micro Controller can detect any issue with your boiler and let you know about it via an easy-to-read display.

Not only can it detect problems, but the BL Micro Controller will also recommend a possible solution for the issue. If necessary, it can knock a boiler offline if the problem is potentially serious. Essentially, it’s the first line of defense for diagnosing and troubleshooting any problems with your boilers.

One of the best features of the BL Micro Controller is that it works in conjunction with Miura’s other systems. For instance, information from the controller can be accessed remotely through Miura’s Online Maintenance System (MOM) so that Miura technicians offsite can receive up-to-date information about a particular boiler and assist in troubleshooting necessary. The BL Controller will also work with Miura’s Colormetry feature to track water quality so you can prevent issues related to hard water that could lead to scaling.

In short, the BL Micro Controller is one of the most important factors in ensuring the safety and efficiency of your Miura boiler. It tracks the performance of your boiler and tells you everything you need to know about how it’s functioning so that if something is wrong, it can get cleared up as soon as possible.

To find out more about our boilers, please contact your local Miura representative. Contact Us