Why Build an Ultra Low Water Content On-Demand Steam Boiler

Why Build an Ultra Low Water Content On-Demand Steam Boiler?

Sometimes in life, we lose sight of the forest for the trees. For many years, Miura has touted the benefits of their ultra low water content, “on demand” high pressure steam boiler design. We’ve marketed benefits such as the reduced footprint, quick start up, and “on demand” responsive performance, which, as an industry first, allows multiple steam boilers to be successfully operated in a modular arrangement. Further, this modular approach has shown itself to be capable of delivering superior performance over industrial watertube and firetube designs, both in responsiveness to varying steam demands, as well as a providing a more redundant, integrated system. Especially relevant, have been the resulting efficiency gains, with accompanying lower emissions, that result from operating the boilers in an on demand, modular arrangement, rather than modulating a single large boiler, or a couple of boilers to match steam demand.

Why Build an Ultra Low Water Content On-Demand Steam Boiler?
by Michael Gerhart