UnityPoint Health-Meriter Installs 5 Miura Boilers

TRANSCRIPT: UnityPoint Health-Meriter, has been recognized three times as a 100 Top Hospitals and is part of one of the nation's most integrated health systems. Their dedication to providing comprehensive, coordinated care through clinics, hospital and home care services for patients in South Central Wisconsin underscores their commitment to every part of the hospital. This includes their boiler plant where Meriter's Facilities Manager, Ryan Unziker, and his team, recently selected five Miura EX300SGO gas oil series, high-pressure steam boilers to replace the 1200 HP and 2 600 HP units purchased from a traditional named manufacturer.

Ryan Unziker: Well, our older boilers, one was a 1969 design and build so it was very old and the other two were not operating correctly and inefficient, so we put in five Miura boilers at 300 horse each. Our load is less than 1200 horsepower, so we have at least one boiler in plus one. So that's what the requirement is for health care and hospitals.

Among the reasons Unziker cited, were efficiency, low knocks and just how quickly the units generated steam, a critical concern in Madison, Wisconsin where the average winter temperature is about 20 degrees.

Ryan Unziker: It's very important to get steam up very quickly especially in the wintertime in Wisconsin. If we have a stretch of cold weather that's 20 below, and we have a failure, our buildings will cool off very quickly, and we're not able to provide enough heat in some of the locations. But the Miura boilers, they provide steam in minutes and then we can get 60 pounds of steam house wide in probably 15-20 minutes. With the old boilers, it used to take hours, even up to eight to ten hours to recover from that type of situation.

The new Miura boilers gave Meriter the capacity they needed for heat, hot water, sterilization, humidification and other requirements. While Miura uses less fuel at an average savings of about 20% and producing fewer emissions than traditional boilers.

Ryan Unziker: With the Miura boilers we went all in with the [inaudible 00:02:17] technology. We've got the remote panel so we can monitor from the boiler room plant office. We also have tied that into our building management system, and with that technology, we can monitor it through the web anywhere.

Miura's EX gas oil series, high-pressure steam boiler is one of the most reliable and efficient industrial steam boilers in the world. The EX design minimizes carry over and produces 99% dry saturated steam in less than five minutes from a cold start, while the company boasts a best-in-industry safety record with zero catastrophic vessel failures resulting in casualty.

Commenting on the installation, AMS Steam Products of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, had this to say:

Vince Andrae: One of the concerns of a retrofit boiler system such as the one here at Meriter Hospital is how do you get them in? With a conventional system, you have to remove walls, excavate. With the Miura boiler system, we were able to get them customized where we put lift lugs on the side of the boilers, so we put them on their sides, just lower them in through a shaft. It was very easy to get them into place. Small footprint, gets you there.

As far as recommending Miura to other hospitals, Mr. Unziker, has already taken that step.

Ryan Unziker: We had an open house with a lot of our peers through our hospital organization. We got a lot of great comments on how the boilers operated, what the plant looked like. A lot of positive comments about how efficient they were, what they sounded like, what heat they were putting off within the boiler room and I truly believe that Miura probably got some interest from that open house that we had. So all that put together for us has meant very positive results in our steam plant here at the hospital.