When you invest in something as expensive and important as a steam boiler, it’s critical that you take good care of it so that it’ll continue to operate properly for a long time. With industrial boilers, regular maintenance and servicing are important, especially since any problem could potentially have disastrous consequences.

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When choosing a new steam boiler, it often comes down to a choice between the traditional fire tube boilers and the newer water tube boilers. There are differences between each type that could make one a better fit than the other, depending on your need. However, safety should always be a top priority with steam boilers, and in that respect, water tube boilers are the better option.

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With a piece of equipment as important as a boiler, energy efficiency is key. The last thing you want is fuel being wasted when it could be used to heat water. For this reason, testing the energy efficiency of your industrial boiler should be part of routine maintenance.

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Businesses, in all kind of industries, use boilers to meet the energy demands of their facilities. Those needs may vary. There are two types of boilers to choose from — hot water or steam boilers. The key difference between comes down to temperature.

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Miura steam boilers are the best option for your company. They offer lower operating costs, excellent efficiency, and reduced fuel costs. There are several models available to meet your steam needs.

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